Music Video Target Audience Results Analysis

Graph 1- What is your Preferred Genre?
As seen in the graph it shows that 50 % of people asked, preferred pop music. Showing that pop music takes up a large majority of the music industry. By 50 % of the people i asked liked pop music, it means that a lot of the attention is on the POP segment in the music industry. Adding pressure to artists to create better music than the artist(s) before with better visuals and more expensive video than the last.
Graph 2- Would you prefer to watch a music video compared to just listening to the audio?
This graph shows that audiences would prefer the watch the music video for a song rather than just listening to the song. I believe this is because the it gives the audience more of an understanding of what the story means and the real story behind the lyrics. By giving the audience understanding of what the story is actually portraying means that the audience are going to be more attracted to watching the music video as they will be able to fully understand the story. Its also more interesting and more entertaining to watch the music video rather than just listening to the song with no visuals.
Graph 3- Do you like to watch music video's?
The graph shows that nearly 75% of people asked like to watch music video's proving a large amount of the population enjoy watching the video that goes along with the song. This mean that lots and lots of people are willing to watch the music video which gives music video producers purpose for creating the music video. This also good for the artist and the record label of that artist as it means that more people are able to be exposed to the artist which means more success and money for the artist and the record label. Not 100% of the time but quit a lot of the time the artist is in the music video which means that more people will be able to see the artist.
Graph 4- Age range?
This graph shows that a wide range of ages watch music video's. However, It shows The younger the person is the more they watch the music video. This graph shows that younger people are more inclined to watching the music video compared to older, more mature people not being very convinced to watching the music video. This graph also shows my target audience are the audience that watches more music video. This is very beneficial from me as it shows my target audience are interested in watching a good music video. I feel the age range 16-26 is the age grouping most susceptible to the advertising of music video.
This is going to help me in making my own music video as I am able to see what my target audience like to watch and it also shows me what type of demographic are going to watch my video. through the use of all 4 graphs it shows me different types of factors I need to consider when creating my video as there are different types of people and different groupings that area ll looking for different things in a music video.
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