Video Analysis According to Goodwins Theory
Analysis of David Guetta- Titanium f.t. Sia
Titanium was released in 2011, as part of the album 'Nothing but the beat' by the artist David Guetta featuring Sia. This song falls into the house, dance/electronic genres. Titanium talks about our inner strength and being strong within ourselves. Throughout the song many literary elements are used to portray the song, such as metaphors, imagery and symbolism. When bad things happen we must stand strong and not fall.
Titanium was released in 2011, as part of the album 'Nothing but the beat' by the artist David Guetta featuring Sia. This song falls into the house, dance/electronic genres. Titanium talks about our inner strength and being strong within ourselves. Throughout the song many literary elements are used to portray the song, such as metaphors, imagery and symbolism. When bad things happen we must stand strong and not fall.
· I feel as though this song
and video are very narrative based as there is a clear meaning and story behind
the song. This can be seen by the story that is systematically playing out in
the video, of a boy with super powers that has caused chaos in this small town
in America. For the reason I feel this is mainly narrative based with no performance
is because there isn’t anything in the video that could be classed as audience
entertainment or that has been purposefully placed in the frame for
entertainment. The video starts mid storyline, causing audiences to be confused
to what is going on and makes them pay attention to the video. This can be seen
as a good thing as it is making audiences pay more attention to this specific
video than they would any other ‘normal’ video as it has an actual storyline
like a short film. However, this could also be seen as a bad thing as it means
that audiences actually have to pay attention to the meaning behind the song to
understand it, juxtaposed to just listening to the audio of a song that isn’t
very narrative based. Overall I think It is a very good idea that David Guetta
has chosen to present his story like this as the song actually has meaning and
an understanding behind it.
Throughout the whole video the use of colour isn’t very prominent. Everyone seems to be dressed in quite ‘boring’ clothing in terms of colour however, the way they has strategically placed the certain colour RED is very meaningful. Throughout the video the colour red can be seen to represent and highlight certain parts of the storyline, for example; at the start of the video the main character is seen to be running from the police as they turn up. As they as walking away from the school and towards the bike, he/she walks past the right side of a police vehicle and his/her red bobble hats perfectly lines up with the red police light. I feel this scene has significance as It shows the teen to be a problem in that moment in society comparing them to a RED light. I feel the whole story has significance to this as seen in and throughout the video everybody (including adults) are scared of a teenager. This connotes that teenagers can be misunderstood and that people need to be more understanding towards the people they feel they don’t understand. This can be seen at the end when the police men are holding guns at the teenager, ready to fire. This is quite odd as they are approaching this ‘child’ with caution and at their most hostile.

Throughout the whole video the use of colour isn’t very prominent. Everyone seems to be dressed in quite ‘boring’ clothing in terms of colour however, the way they has strategically placed the certain colour RED is very meaningful. Throughout the video the colour red can be seen to represent and highlight certain parts of the storyline, for example; at the start of the video the main character is seen to be running from the police as they turn up. As they as walking away from the school and towards the bike, he/she walks past the right side of a police vehicle and his/her red bobble hats perfectly lines up with the red police light. I feel this scene has significance as It shows the teen to be a problem in that moment in society comparing them to a RED light. I feel the whole story has significance to this as seen in and throughout the video everybody (including adults) are scared of a teenager. This connotes that teenagers can be misunderstood and that people need to be more understanding towards the people they feel they don’t understand. This can be seen at the end when the police men are holding guns at the teenager, ready to fire. This is quite odd as they are approaching this ‘child’ with caution and at their most hostile.

· Throughout
the whole music video, the audience are being dropped little clues to what the
story is telling. Little clues to who this boy/girl is, are dropped throughout
the video and to what significance they are to the story as well.
· Goodwin’s Theory – Screen within a screen- Lyrics
“bullet Proof”- He explodes. Incorporated in the music video Two of Goodwin’s
theories can be seen. The first theory that can be seen is the ‘screen on

· Throughout the whole music video
it is evident that the video isn’t set in the 21st century. This can
be seen by what the actors are wearing and the material things they own like
cars e.c.t. The whole music video seems to be a little dated, set in the 80’s,
disturbing the ‘American dream’. The 80’s setting makes the video look like a
typical thriller/sci-fi American film. The reason for this being the
similarities between E.T and stranger things. The music video feels very much
like one of these mysterious films. This can be felt through the use of low lighting
and the set of the forest.
The video looks as if it is set in the 80’s. This can be seen by the
way they have filmed the music video and the setting of the video. We can see
that the video is also set in an American school, this can be seen when the
camera pans the classroom they have ‘American’ desks. The setting of the video
can also be interpreted through the costumes and clothing of the actors. This
is when you can establish the setting of the video straight away as no one
would wear them types of clothing in this era. Near the start of the music video when the main character is running
from the police on the bike. The main character can be seen riding past two
woman out jogging. This scene perfectly captures the ‘American dream’ when the
two American looking woman are out for a jog and one of them is large and one
is smaller. The American theme can also be seen through the costumes they have
been put in. As the camera tracks the main character riding past theme you can
see the typically American houses behind them. This scene perfectly sums up and
represents the American dream. The connotations of this scene is that the main
character is disturbing the ‘normal’ American life and the ‘dream’.
· Throughout the whole video there is no sign of the artist in any of the
footage. I believe this is because the artist wanted the story of the song to
be the focal point of the song. I think they didn’t want to take the attention
away from the story by adding themselves in to the video singing their song.
Another reason I feel they didn’t have footage of the artist in the video lip syncing
was because the song was created by a DJ, which means that it wasn’t a ‘normal’
song that would be lip synced. Throughout the video I feel as though age is
represented quite prominently throughout the song. This could be another reason
why they haven’t chosen to be in the video, otherwise representation of age
would be distorted. I feel that teens are represented through the lyrics and
visuals of the song and video. Through the use of the 80's theme, this could mean that they are trying to attract people that would have been kids in the 80's. I feel they have done this as a type of attraction to this audience as this setting is relatable from them as they would have seen all of this before. This may be because The artist likes the look of the 80's or may remember the 80s when they were both teenagers. This connects to the story as they would have been about the same age as the main character in the 1980's. This could also be what they believed the 80's looked like and they may be recalling memories of what happened in their life when they were that age to base the story of tier music video on.
· The target audience are shown through the main
character and their age. The audience that are specifically targeted are shown
through the main character. The reason I feel they have done this is because
the target audience will be attracted by the main character of the story. This
is why I believe they have chosen to use a teenager, is to attract teenagers.
However, an unusual factor that they have added in is that you can’t
distinctively work out whether the main character is a boy or a girl. I feel
that this is a very smart thing form them to do as they aren’t just targeting
teenage boys or teenage girls; they are targeting teenagers in general. Another
factor that I believe is instrumental to the attraction of teenagers is the
storyline. They have made the music video interesting and teenager based while
making it interesting for teenagers to watch. This is a clear sign in the video
that makes it clear that they have aimed their music video at teenagers, by the
content of the storyline.

· Not necessarily targeting boys or girls. – The
main character doesn’t have a distinctive gender.
In conclusion to this analysis of David Guetta's Titanium, I believe that this music video demonstrates a narrative based music video. This is connoted and clearly shown through the use of the main character and the story that is portrayed throughout the song.This is going to help me when creating my own music video as I am able to pick up on subtle hints and hidden meanings from the previous tasks which means that I will be able to create a successful video with good meanings behind it. By completing this task it enables me to create the best music video possible as I am able to see what a successful music video holds and what I could take inspiration from to help create a successful piece.
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