Evaluation Question 1- In what ways does your media prodcut use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
Question1- In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
(How similar is my work to real media products.) (does it challenge? does it go against the norm)
The first thing we did was research and find information on the genre and style of music we felt best suited a music video. We went for the genre Pop and we went for Pop because we felt that it was the perfect genre for the type of music video we wanted to do. We found all of the common conventions of the Pop genre such as; Artists are commonly found to be wearing popular clothing for example Ralph Lauren, Gucci etc. Most Pop music is orientated around love and relationships because this is what draw the audiences in. I also feel that including popular clothes would also attract audiences as they want to have what the artist is wearing or what the artist likes because they see this is a popular brand and it looks good on the artist that they would want it themselves. This is why companies usually work with celebrities because they know that their audiences follow that artist religiously and will copy whatever they do. The pop genre will also touch on popular culture and things that are relevant in society for example; Beyoncé touches on the Black lives matter campaign and the innocent killings of Black people all over American. I feel artist touch on this to make themselves relevant and they also write these songs because this is what influences these artists.
I feel that our work all linked together well and followed the conventions of real media products. In my opinion, we have followed the stereotypical view of pop culture and pop music. This can be seen clearly through the narrative of the music video, complemented by the cast and locations we used. Throughout our music video, I feel that our use of props and the use of gender is very stereotypical throughout. Our artist we decided to use was Charli XCX. We decided to use her because we liked the way she presented herself in all of her music videos. I believe all of her music videos are very stereotypical and follow the norms and the conventions of the pop genre. We liked this look as we felt this was the best way to attract audiences because most of the content is relatable and attractive to popular culture. This led us to use the conventions of real media products. We got lots and lots of inspiration from Charli XCX and her video’s because we liked the way she presented herself and the content she has created. In my opinion, all of our media products follow the conventions of real media products. This is because lots of the conventions we used are used in real life for example; the Imagery we included across all of our media products like partying, relationships and breaking the rules. We chose to include these because this is what teens are usually associated with and are what typically attract a younger audience. Other conventions that we used are; The artist is presented in a way that makes them look happy and enjoying life. In our magazine advert, we used bright and bold colour which are a common convention within the pop genre. We also did this because having a bright, bold and colourful advert means that more people will be attracted to it.
Our music video follows the conventions of the pop genre due to the clothing, colour, set, and narrative. By following these conventions it means that our music video has a lot in common with real music videos. An example with this would be Ariana Grande side to side. In this video it shows gender stereotypically, can be seen through the bright pink outfit that Ariana and her back up dancers are all working. This matches our music video through the stereotypical view of gender. This is links to out music video as the video is quite literal with the lyrics and the visuals for example; when she sings "got me walking side to side' she is riding a bike rocking side to side. This links to our video for example when Amber and Ellie are falling down the stairs, this compliments the lyrics that say exactly that. This is a good way to present an artist in their music video as it is very literally and it quite interesting to watch. we have done this a couple times in our music video and this is also something that lots of pop starts use in their music videos quite a lot. This matches to Goodwins theory which is when the lyrics represent the visuals and therefore compliment each other. Their outfits also match with our video not only in gender representation but in the way that these outfits would be seen as being popular and many audiences would admire this outfit which would cause them to go out and buy it.
our magazine advert also matches those of existing pop artist for example the magazine advert for madonna. This has quite a lot in common with our magazine advert as well as the colour that she has used are bright and vibrant giving off a happy vibe. This also connotes who the music is for for example; the younger generations as they will be more attracted to the bright and piping colours they have decided to use. She is also looking very young which would also draw in the younger generations. The colours she has used connotes some sort of party or in a club. This is the same theme for our Digipak, the same theme we have in out magazine advert is what we have in our digipak. This is because we wanted to keep the same theme and party vibe.

We followed the typical conventions of the pop genre throughout out music video. This can be specifically seen when Amber is dancing with the four backing dancers. She can be seen with a bright pink fur coat, a denim crop top, silver pleated culottes and black heels. This follows the conventions of a pop music video as this outfit would be attractive to younger audiences. This shows that we have followed the generic conventions of a pop genre video. Pop artists are commonly fashionable which can be seen in our music video through the artist's stylish outfit. This outfit also makes our artist stand out from the background and stand out from the dancers as well. this is because the backup dancers are all wearing the same outfits which were jeans, checked shirt, black shoes and a black mesh top. This made them all look the same making the artist stand out so she was the center of the attention. We also included this in the magazine advert as well, we did this by making our artist the center of the page and the two back up dancers again. Making the magazine advert appear more attractive to audiences and to also make her the center of attention so audiences would know that she is the artist. The reason we continued this theme throughout the magazine advert and digipak was to fit the generic conventions of a pop artist because this is what seems to draw target audiences in. We made the Magazine colourful and made all of text big and bright to attract audiences with a good and happy vibe which is a generic conversion of the pop industry. This was also continued throughout the digipak as we included the best photos of the artist as we knew this would be the focal point. This is also why we included a variation of different shots for example; A close up and a medium shot. We also kept the vibe bright with bright colours and bold text. Overall, I believe we have followed all of the generic conventions of the pop industry.
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