Textual analysis in Class
Writings On The Wall- Plan B Representation-
Plan B Writing's On The Wall is about a fictional character, Stickland Banks, a soul singer who was wrongfully sent to jail for a crime that he didn't commit. This song depicts his crazy life of being a sold-out singer to infidelity. Throughout the whole music video the representation of men and women is very stereotypical. This is clearly presented through the use of the woman staying at home and doing all of the house work as well as cooking. Juxtaposed to the man who is out working and having an affair. This makes the audience feel bad for the woman character as she has been spending all of her day and her hard work in making sure the food is perfect and the house is perfect for when he comes home but instead he is out being unfaithful towards her.

Throughout the whole music video there isn't much editing that gives away the storyline. However, throughout the music video there isn't an eye line match between Strickland and his wife which shows the inequality from the start of the video. This shows the audience that there was going to be something bad happen from the very start of the music video. There is also faster paced editing when Strickland can be seen cheating, this shows how he is doing something that he should be doing and flicks between the mistress and his wife.

The camera angle on the main character, Strickland Banks, is a low angle shot. This represents how he is an important character in the story line and he is more superior than every body else in the story line. This could also be the representation of the audience's perspective as they are looking up at him as he is a famous soul singer. This could also represent the view of famous people in real life as people put them on a pedestal what makes celebrities more and more important and could make them feel entitles to do what they want. This view can be seen later on in the story when Strickland Banks can be seen cheating on his wife with another woman. There is also a lot of close up's used on both the female and male characters. Through the close up shots the woman is again, represented in a stereotypical way as she can be seen in the bathroom mirror putting on lip stick, doing her makeup and her hair. As the female character walks down the stairs towards the phone there is a very high angle, almost vertically above her. This connotes that the phone is ringing to inform her of some bad news, news that would hit her unexpectedly.

The representation of the female character in this story line is very stereotypical as the only location she can be seen in is a house. She can be seen cooking in the kitchen for most of the video which is a very stereotypical view adopted by most music video's. She is also wearing a bright coloured top, i feel this has been done so the audience don't forget what she looks like as she is an important character in the story line. This top stands out from the background as its yellow and is a very distinctive colour compared to usual colours used in a kitchen or in any house. After the phone call where Strickland Banks is calling his wife to tell her that he wont be home until later the mood switches to low key lighting and all of the characters, including Strickland, can be seen wearing black. This connotes that something bad is about to happen and this is going to be bad for the story line. This is juxtaposed to the lighting at the start of the music video, which is high key lighting with spot lights shining straight down on him. Complimented by the light grey suit he is wearing, fitting the scene with bright colour and clear pictures. The scenes where Strickland Banks can be seen out on the street with his friends is very blurry. This represents how she has been drinking too much and could connote that something bad is going to happen. This then flicks to a scene of the water in the pan boiling over connoting that bad things are about to happen in the story line. When his wife has cooked him dinner she changed into a red dress. The colour red connotes love but could also connote danger and hurt. The use of the colour red is increased throughout the video which could connote to something bad happening and hints to the infidelity that will take place later on in the story line. Throughout the video the visuals are very upbeat and the colours used are very bright and vibrant. Compared to to the visuals at the end of the music video that are very sombre and sad.

When Strickland Banks is in the club the lighting is low key but when he meets the girl he is going to cheat with the lighting has a tint of red. This connotes the bad is about to happen and the other female that has joined the storyline is bad. The scene where Strickland Banks can be seen to be cheating on his wife with the younger girl in the life is obstructed but the gate of the life. This life is also black which connotes a dark setting and also connotes darkness in the storyline. The obstruction of the two characters connotes how they are trying to hide from everybody else because they aren't suppose to be doing that.
Plan B Writing's On The Wall is about a fictional character, Stickland Banks, a soul singer who was wrongfully sent to jail for a crime that he didn't commit. This song depicts his crazy life of being a sold-out singer to infidelity. Throughout the whole music video the representation of men and women is very stereotypical. This is clearly presented through the use of the woman staying at home and doing all of the house work as well as cooking. Juxtaposed to the man who is out working and having an affair. This makes the audience feel bad for the woman character as she has been spending all of her day and her hard work in making sure the food is perfect and the house is perfect for when he comes home but instead he is out being unfaithful towards her.

Throughout the whole music video there isn't much editing that gives away the storyline. However, throughout the music video there isn't an eye line match between Strickland and his wife which shows the inequality from the start of the video. This shows the audience that there was going to be something bad happen from the very start of the music video. There is also faster paced editing when Strickland can be seen cheating, this shows how he is doing something that he should be doing and flicks between the mistress and his wife.

The camera angle on the main character, Strickland Banks, is a low angle shot. This represents how he is an important character in the story line and he is more superior than every body else in the story line. This could also be the representation of the audience's perspective as they are looking up at him as he is a famous soul singer. This could also represent the view of famous people in real life as people put them on a pedestal what makes celebrities more and more important and could make them feel entitles to do what they want. This view can be seen later on in the story when Strickland Banks can be seen cheating on his wife with another woman. There is also a lot of close up's used on both the female and male characters. Through the close up shots the woman is again, represented in a stereotypical way as she can be seen in the bathroom mirror putting on lip stick, doing her makeup and her hair. As the female character walks down the stairs towards the phone there is a very high angle, almost vertically above her. This connotes that the phone is ringing to inform her of some bad news, news that would hit her unexpectedly.

The representation of the female character in this story line is very stereotypical as the only location she can be seen in is a house. She can be seen cooking in the kitchen for most of the video which is a very stereotypical view adopted by most music video's. She is also wearing a bright coloured top, i feel this has been done so the audience don't forget what she looks like as she is an important character in the story line. This top stands out from the background as its yellow and is a very distinctive colour compared to usual colours used in a kitchen or in any house. After the phone call where Strickland Banks is calling his wife to tell her that he wont be home until later the mood switches to low key lighting and all of the characters, including Strickland, can be seen wearing black. This connotes that something bad is about to happen and this is going to be bad for the story line. This is juxtaposed to the lighting at the start of the music video, which is high key lighting with spot lights shining straight down on him. Complimented by the light grey suit he is wearing, fitting the scene with bright colour and clear pictures. The scenes where Strickland Banks can be seen out on the street with his friends is very blurry. This represents how she has been drinking too much and could connote that something bad is going to happen. This then flicks to a scene of the water in the pan boiling over connoting that bad things are about to happen in the story line. When his wife has cooked him dinner she changed into a red dress. The colour red connotes love but could also connote danger and hurt. The use of the colour red is increased throughout the video which could connote to something bad happening and hints to the infidelity that will take place later on in the story line. Throughout the video the visuals are very upbeat and the colours used are very bright and vibrant. Compared to to the visuals at the end of the music video that are very sombre and sad.

When Strickland Banks is in the club the lighting is low key but when he meets the girl he is going to cheat with the lighting has a tint of red. This connotes the bad is about to happen and the other female that has joined the storyline is bad. The scene where Strickland Banks can be seen to be cheating on his wife with the younger girl in the life is obstructed but the gate of the life. This life is also black which connotes a dark setting and also connotes darkness in the storyline. The obstruction of the two characters connotes how they are trying to hide from everybody else because they aren't suppose to be doing that.
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