Knowledge of Music Videos

Knowledge of Music Video's 
  • Music video's will often be a smaller version of a film, This is because they both do the same type of thing, tell a STORY
However, music video's are considerably harder to make compared to a film. This is because music video's will often contain so much footage and camera shot's.
  • Why?
I believe the reason we have music video's is to convey the reasoning and meaning behind the lyrics of the song.
  • What do music video's contain?
Music video's will typically have the band or artist in the video and sometimes playing the main character in that music video. They will also typically contain backing dancers and extra's in order to portray the story of the song. They will also contain the set's and locations of the story's portrail.
  • What is expected of a music video? 
This is the ONE thing that is expected from music video's, entertainment. Audiences expect this as they don't want to sit and watch a music video that is boring and has no meaning. Audiences will also want to see a STORY! This is because it is interesting to watch something with a meaning. 

This is going to help me in creating my own music video as i am able to choose whether, I want my video to be a narrative based or a performance based video.  


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