Plans for Digipak
There are many different aspects that one should consider when creating a digipak. Target Audience is one of the most important things to consider when creating a digipak this is the thing that is going to affect the success of the artist you are promoting. Digipaks not only help promote the album and their songs but it also helps market them as the artist and their record label. This is because on a digipak the person who has purchased the digipak can usually see a lot of pictures of the artist. This is a really good marketing tactic as the artist's fans are going to want to have their new album. With the rise in the social media and the power of the internet, it means that people are going to be talking about it and their loyal fans will be posting pictures and Tweeting/Facebooking about the new release of this album or song. This is really good for marketing as this is like free advertising as the fans are advertising for the artist. Some digipak even contains a poster which enables their biggest fans to put their posters up e.c.t. Sometimes an artist will also sign their digipak that they release to the public and to their fans in giveaway's or competitions so they are given the chance to have their favorite artists signature. This is another marketing tactic which enables the word to be spread about the artist giving away their signature meaning they will be able to gain more media attention.

In every single digipak the artist can be seen to be on the front cover so people wanting to purchase the album know who the album is by and who the album is promoting. the picture of the front of the digipak also normally has a theme to it. This theme is usually used throughout the digipak and links to the theme of the album and the songs on it. The digipak has to link to the album as it makes sense, if someone were to create a digipak that doesn't match or link into the album and the magazine advert then the audience could be left confused and could misunderstand what the artist is trying to promote.
This digipak is a clear example of what a successful digipak looks like. All of the colours and the theme of the pack all link in together. This makes it more attractive to the target audience as well as younger girls maybe more inclined to purchasing this album because of the theme and the stereotypical 'feminine' theme.

This is my first Idea for a digipak. I have gone with a pink theme throughout the digipak as Charli xcx is a childish type of artist and it fits with her image very well. I have also gone with a pink theme throughout as I thought it fitted well with the type of style music video we want to go for. The music video we wanted to go for is a house party themed video which is why I went with all of the neon lights and the pink-lit corridor. I also thought that the rough type of text was a very good fit with the theme of the digipak, it also matches well with flamingo made from neon lights.
This is my second Idea for a digipak. I have chosen to go for a for muted tone throughout the digipak to make is a little more subtle. I have continued the writing in neon lights into this digipak because I like the way it looks and it also continues the vibe throughout the song and may consider using it in our magazine advert. The neon lights also match the image of the aritst as she has a very 'childish' type of public image and vibe throughout her music so I feel this fitted in well with this and would fit well with our music video. I made sure that the neon light were a shade of purple because it links well with the theme and also would be a nice splash of colour for the digipak. these neon lights also fit well with our music video concept as we wanted to go for a house party and feel that it would fit very well throughout all media products.
Overall I believe my first digipak design would be the most attractive for my target audience as the colouring is very bright and would catch my target audience's eye if they saw this in a shop. The second digipak has the content but i feel that it wouldn't be the most attractive for my audience as there isn't enough bright colours.

This is my first Idea for a digipak. I have gone with a pink theme throughout the digipak as Charli xcx is a childish type of artist and it fits with her image very well. I have also gone with a pink theme throughout as I thought it fitted well with the type of style music video we want to go for. The music video we wanted to go for is a house party themed video which is why I went with all of the neon lights and the pink-lit corridor. I also thought that the rough type of text was a very good fit with the theme of the digipak, it also matches well with flamingo made from neon lights.

This is my second Idea for a digipak. I have chosen to go for a for muted tone throughout the digipak to make is a little more subtle. I have continued the writing in neon lights into this digipak because I like the way it looks and it also continues the vibe throughout the song and may consider using it in our magazine advert. The neon lights also match the image of the aritst as she has a very 'childish' type of public image and vibe throughout her music so I feel this fitted in well with this and would fit well with our music video. I made sure that the neon light were a shade of purple because it links well with the theme and also would be a nice splash of colour for the digipak. these neon lights also fit well with our music video concept as we wanted to go for a house party and feel that it would fit very well throughout all media products.
Overall I believe my first digipak design would be the most attractive for my target audience as the colouring is very bright and would catch my target audience's eye if they saw this in a shop. The second digipak has the content but i feel that it wouldn't be the most attractive for my audience as there isn't enough bright colours.
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