Digipak analysis
Demi Lovato - Confident-
Fonts used-
Throughout the Digipak demi has decided to use very plain and simply font. This can be see on the front, back and the disc of the digipak. The font is also quite small and is in the centre of the all of the pictures. I believe this has been done so that the audience can easily locate the important information and see who the album is by and what the disk contains. I think Demi has gone for a simple vibe throughout the digipak juxtaposed to passed album she has created. I feel this has been done as this album was a kind of 'comeback' album. This is also why i feel she has gone for a simple text as it makes the audience focus more on the artist. the text also doesn't have any bright or vibrant colours, instead she went for a simple colour look and went with a black and white colour. I also feel as though font keeps with the simple look to make the album look a little more elegant.
Colour and Imagery-
In regards to images on the digipak i feel she has gone for a simple look so the focus is not lost from the artist. This album was a sort of 'comeback' album for Demi which meant that both her and her record label both wanted all of the attention on Demi as this also means more marketing for her music and artistry. This can bee seen through the very provocative imagery throughout and the lack of colour in the background and the type of font used. This is to make sure that all of the focus is on her and her music. This is a very personal album for Demi and her look as she was famous for being quite large. This album shows a complete change in her herself and her personal image. This is why i believe she has been placed in the middle of the frame with a plain white background and lack of colour. Throughout the digipak Demi (the artist) can be seen sporting barely any clothing and posing in a sexy and provocative way. This is also a part of the comeback and change in personal image as she can be seen to have lost a lot of weight. This all links into the true and real meaning of the album and why Demi decided to write a chain of songs relating to self love and empowerment. With the albums title being 'Confident' the Imagery gives the meaning of what her and the album truly means life. This can be seen on the back of the digipak aswell, were she can be seen in an erotic position in minimal clothing. By Demi choosing to sport a 'minimal clothing' look, i feel this is a type of message for her audience. Telling woman and men that they should feel confident and sexy in anything they were and should always feel accepted and confident in their own skin.
The reason i feel she has gone for just a black and white theme the only things your eyes are drawn to is the only colour on the digipak, which is the tan of her skin. i feel this has all been done in a strategic way as this then draws the audience to her and her body. I feel this is the reason she has chosen the disk to be a blank black shade with white writing so her audience take more time looking at her rather than a black CD. I also feel as though there is just enough imagery of the artist and not too much or too little. If Demi were to put another image of herself on the disk i feel this would have been a little too much as there is enough pictures of her on the front, back and inside of the disk cover. Inside the digipak there is an poster that also has the artist face on it which is also a beneficial marketing and advertising idea as this allows the fans of Demi and her music to promote her and her record label. On the back of the digipak she can be seem wearing red bottom heals. The Louboutins she is wearing are very expensive however I feel the red bottom of the heels could connote love and self love. This could link to the meaning of the album and being confident with your body and wearing little clothing and just expensive shoes show that she is very happy with her body to the point were she feels she can flaunt it. However, red can also be connoted as danger and how people should watch out her her now she has found this new found love and confidence in her body.
Impact on Audience-
The impact on her audience and the people who are fans of her work could feel as though she is more relatable now that is has lost weight as celebrities are usually put on a pedestal where people start to view them as immune from reality. This proves that even celebrities deal with the same problems and struggles in life as a 'normal' person would have to deal with. Her audience might also feel empowered by her as she has make a very big change to her live style and may also feel inclined to change their lives for the better as well as her. This album could attract both males and females to her album but may also attract them for her personal life and may be interested in following her. She has chosen to have provocative images on her digipak which may atract both males and females because they like the way she looks. The impact on her audience could also mean that they want to continue to follow her on social media and in real life to see who she lost all of her weight e.c.t. Finally, this could have a positive effect on her audience as her audience could grow as they like what she stands for and what she believes in.
Taylor Swift - Reputation-
Fonts used-
The same type of font is used throughout the digipak, which looks like a type of old newspaper style of text. All links into her real life experiences as well as Demi Lovato's album Confident. The style of writing is plain like a newspaper would be as they all get printed in black and white. Taylor's digipak is a little different to Demi's as they is more text which causes the audience to look more into the text. However, she is still placed in the middle of the digipak as an artist would be so that they are the centre of attention.
Colour and Imagery-
Throughout Taylor's digipak the imagery and colour scheme is quite plain just like the way that Demi has chosen to design hers. With all of the images of the artist they are all placed in the middle so that they are the centre of attention. This is done so that their target audience can automatically establish who the album is by. On the front cover of the digipak the picture they have decided to use is a little different from Demi Lovato's digipak as this shot used is a mid shot instead of a long shot. I feel this has been done so the artist expressions and the focus is all of the artists face. In the image Taylor can be seen wearing a chain choker, I feel this has been done to show how her reputation and her opinions have been chained up and she hasn't been able to express her true opinions on the situation evolving in the media. The choker is tight around her neck expressing her inability to speak on the situation because her reputation has been torn apart. Furthermore, the jumper she can be seen to be wearing in the image look as if it torn/ripped and repaired. This could connote how roles have been torn in her reputation and she has tried to repair them but one of the wholes remains open as she can no longer keep repairing them as the media keeps ruining her public image. Taylor can be seen to be posing in a way that look as if she is holding her head high. Connoting that she still holds her head high despite her situation. she can be seen posing side on to the camera with one of shoulders further back than the other one looking down camera lens.
She could be posing like this to look as though she is looking at the public who view her album as though she is still holding her head high, proving she will always come out on top of what ever situation they put her in. Her posing has significance to the real meaning behind the photo and the writing. The lighting hitting her right side of her face casts a shadow on the left side of her face. This all has significance to the 'Reputation' she has now lost and what she is portrayed to be in the media. The lighting is used strategically to look very mysterious this could give connotations of her having to sides to her or her having to faces. This being significant because she has been branded a 'fake' person with two faces. One face for her fame and one face for her reality. This can be connoted through the dark shadowing on the left side of her face which gives a more chiselled look emphasising her high points on her face for example; the cheekbones and the brow bone. This gives her a malicious look as if she were modern day villan also emphasising her eye making it look as though she always sees everything. This side connotes her real face that she hides from the public and shows her REAL side which is usually suppressed in Hollywood. Juxtaposed to the right side of her face with high key lighting making it look as though her skin is all smoothed over giving her an angelic look as though she a perfect person in society. This can be linked to her real life as she has always been shown in the media to be doing the rights things for society and giving money to charities and helping do charity work. This connotes her 'fake' Persona she puts out to the media and in her songs. This is the side of Taylor swift that everyone (including some of her fans) have been attacking.
Finally, Taylor can be seen to be placed in the centre of the frame. This is so all of the attention is on her and her fans and potential audience know who she is and what music she makes. Another reason for her strategic positioning is that half of her face is free of obstruction from text and the other side has an obstructed view by writing. This has been placed there for a reason, this is to show how her image has been covered but others words. The text covers the left side of her body to show how the media and the people of the internet has destroyed her reputation. One side of her face represents one reputation and the other side represents the reputation she has adopted from the public. This all links in with the title and the real meaning behind the origin of her album. This all has a connection to her real life and the problems she is having to deal with in reality. This can be seen throughout the digipak, poster and advertisement campaign. The newspaper style text has the words 'Taylor Swift' written all of the image. This connotes how every headline is her name and the media are using her name in order to gain popularity. In the stadium tour advertisement the image they has chosen to use is a little different from the album cover and the poster. They have changed colour schemes and added another subliminal object. On Taylor's right middle finger a snake can be seen wrapped around her finger from bottom to top. This connotes her reputation of being a snake and could also show how she feels towards her new reputation. I feel the snake has been wrapped on the middle finger as the middle finger is usually used to express emotion and dislike toward someone or something. This could be used to show how she is giving her new reputation the middle finger.
Taylor can be seen to be sporting a bright red lip. This could connote danger and how people should now be sacred of her. This is also reinforced by the upward fading red mist. This could be used to connote her anger towards the media stories and the false accusations toward her. However, this could also represent a fire burning the newspaper being a metaphor what how she really feels about the people who have written the stories about her.
Impact on Audience -
This could be very impactful on her audience as they could now dislike or like her more now she has chosen to completely flip her public image. By the complete change in her image it could mean that she has decided to change the way she writes and releases songs which could either increase or decrease her following which could impact on the success of her music or public relations. However her audience will see a lot more of her as this is going to get her a lot more media attention as she is now living up to the her expectations set by the public themselves.

Conclusion -
Both Demi Lovato's Confident album and Taylor Swift's Reputation album have lots in common. The reason for their global success if because they have used a negative situation against them to their benefit. This is one of the best ways to deal with hate when you are in the public eye as they are using something that was originally meant to degrade them to benefit them in many ways including financially. They have both used personal situations as the foundation of their new found success in order to prove their haters and the judging public that they are successful for a reason. Writing music has helped them both deal with the hard times they have both been put in and used it to power thier success more.
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