Real Media Text- Music Video

Genre of Music and Audience
The Narrative (what story occurs)
Number of shots used in first minute
Re-occuring shot types used
Transitions used
Representations seen?
Theories used
Other Key information
Music Video 1
BeyoncĂ© – If I Were A Boy
Contemporary R&B
Young audience: Late teens- early 40’s 
The story of infidelity between a young couple told through the eye of the female – BeyoncĂ©.
Their house.
A police car
Work office
Shooting range
City street
A bedroom

Close up’s
Mid shots of girl
Over the shoulder shots
Long shots

Tracking shots

Gender – represented through certain shots
Todorov’s equilibrium
Male gaze Theory

Story is told through the eye of the woman who has been cheated on but she is telling the story as if she has cheated, and what it would be like.
Music Video 2
Adele- Hello
Late teens- early 40’s  
The story of looking back at old moments and memories between loved ones and friends. Told from the point of view of Adele.
Old/abandoned house.
A field
A kitchen
A bedroom
Car park
A lake
Telephone box

Close up’s
Mid shots
Long shots
Extreme close up’s
Low angle shot


Todorov’s equilibrium

The story is told through the experience and memories of Adele. Telling the story of trying to re-build bridges between her friends and love once. The story shows Adele looking back at fond memories between her and a loved one, reminiscing on what she used to have.  
Music Video 3
Dua Lipa-
New Rules
Young Audiences:
Late teens- early 40’s  
The Story is about cheating and how woman empowerment has helped her to get over heart break. The story also shows how her lesson has taught her to help other women in the same situation.   
L.A street
Outside of a hotel.
Hotel hallway.
Living room

5 –
What is special about this music video is that there is on 5 shots to establish the music video and then the use of a continuous shot is used the whole time until the first cut at 1.11.
Continuous shot
Mid shot
Long shot
Tracking shots

Tracking shots
Woman empowerment
(Feminism) throughout the whole video.
Todorov’s equilibrium- The theme used throughout the whole video.
The story is told through the eyes of Dua Lipa. Dua is portraying her experience with heart break through the use of woman empowerment and feminism. Throughout the whole video she is taught to forget her heart break through New Rules, given to her by her friends. Throughout the video the story starts to change showing that Dua has learnt her lesson and is now using her power to help other women going through the same situation. – Feminism   

 By completing this chart, this will help me see what what types of messages do well as a music video. This will also to see what is already successful and give me inspiration for my music video. 


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