The Importance of lyrics

We were given lyrics and we had to look and analyse the lyrics to see what music video we would create based on the lyrics.  The first thing i did was read through the lyrics, This enabled me to understand the song and see what music video could be made from the lyrics. By reading through the lyrics it gave me an idea for the music video. When i read through the lyrics, with every lyric an image came to my head for what the video could look like. The lyrics are very important when thinking about creating a music video because the music video needs to have a connection to the lyrics. The lyrics are also important when considering following goodwin's Theory. One of his theories stating the clear connection and link to the link. 

This is going to help me when creating my music video because it has taught me that i really have to consider my lyrics and read into them properly. This task has also taught me that i have to create a music video that connects well with the lyrics.  


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