Analysis of a Digipak

DigiPak Analysis
I have analysed the Katy Perry DigiPak which includes; 2 disks, a poster, and the disk case. 

Font- Throughout the digipak the font that has been chosen links to the whole theme of the music and the digipak art. However, the font varies from the back to the front of the Digipak. This can be seen by the font used to present all of the song titles and juxtaposes to the font used to present the artist's name. I feel this has been done to make the digipak more interesting and less bleak. The font they have used to write the artist's name is a mix between bold bubble writing and the look of a candy cane. this is matching the artist's theme of sweets and candy. On the back of the Digipak, the 'o's and the '0's are replaced with a hard boiled sweet. 

Colour- Colours used throughout the Digipak are very colourful, bright and vibrant. I feel this is done to attract customers, in a shop, to be attracted to this CD which may encourage them to purchase the CD. The colours are also very feminine, which could connote the target audience she is going for. The colours also have an American vibe to them which could also represent the type of target audience she is trying to attract and could also represent the artist's country of origin. The American flag uses red, white and blue which are common colours used throughout the poster and digipak. The colours that are used could be attractive to younger females because of the stereotypical pink and the fluffy clouds.  

Images- The creators of the digipak have thought through the imagery they have included on every minor detail, for example, the CDs. They have designed the left disk to have the look of an iced doughnut. This was clever imagery as this matches with the candy and sweets theme but also making the disk look like a doughnut was a genius idea, as doughnut usually has a hole in the middle and the hole in the disk makes it look like a real doughnut. The right disk is in the style of a hard-boiled sweet which also links in with the 'candy' theme. The artist is presented in a very sexualised way could also be done to make her brand and her music more attractive to younger males. However, this could have been done so that her younger audience of females are attracted to her and her brand because they wish they looked like her. The poster that is included in the digipak shows the artist in the middle of the picture which I believe is done on purpose so that she is the centre of attention. to the left and to the right of her is leaning up against what it looks to be cakes, again linking in with the sweet theme. The image of the artist laying on the clouds could represent the shooting music on the album and how the music makes the audience feel relaxed. The main image of the artist on the front of the digipak could also represent how her audience's younger age is a little older than children, maybe to differentiate her self from a childish persona.  

Impact on the audience- The overall impact on the audience would be effective and beneficial for the sales of this record. This is down to the bright and vibrant colouring of the pictures and poster used. The use of the bright colours could be seen as a magnet from a customer in a store to go and investigate who this album is by. The impact on the audience may be that the younger the audience the more attracted they are to the album as they like the artist and the colours she has chosen to use. 

This is going to help me in creating my own music video as this means I will be able to see how I can successfully attract the right target audience and what is attractive to curtain target audience.


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