Magazine advertisement analysis


Fonts used-
For Beyoncé's 'Sasha Fierce' advertisement I feel the font she has gone for is a very plain type of vibe. This is very surprising as Beyoncé is a very outgoing and extravagant type of artist juxtaposed to the very understated type of font she has chosen to go for. There is also very little text on this advertisement as well as being plain however, I feel this has been done because Beyoncé doesn't need much advertising as she is one of the most successful singers in the industry. This can be seen by the use of the bold and big font for her name. This has been done so everybody knows who this advertisement is for straight away. At the bottom right of the advert, there is information telling the reader what songs are included in this album. Naming two of the most successful International hits in the world. This would automatically draw in audiences reading their advert as these songs are extremely famous, just like the artist. This would also establish who the artist is straight away as they may have heard the song single ladies but may not have seen what she looks like. The one major obvious part of the font used is the change in text that says "I AM...SASHA FIERCE" the 'Sasha Fierce' is underlined and overlined to put emphasis on the Sasha Fierce which is the character that Beyoncé adopts when she performs on stage. This is also complimented by the change in imagery from plain to extravagant. At the very bottom of the advertisement tells the audience when the album is going to be released and the date it is going to be released is in Roman numerals. This hints at the type of audience she is aiming her, the use of Roman numerals is a very mature and grown-up thing. This shows her type of audience and who she is trying to aim her music at because kids wouldn't be able to understand what she was trying to advertise.    

Colour and Imagery-
Throughout the advertisement, there isn't much colour that has been used. I feel this has been done to add a more elegant and more sophisticated feel as her target audience are a little more mature than just teenagers. This means that she is trying to market herself to everyone and is trying to be attractive to all different types of people, ages, and demographics. The most prominent imagery used is the big change in the two images of Beyoncé and Sasha Fierce. Sasha Fierce is the persona Beyoncé adopts when she performs on stage which can be seen through the imagery used in this advert. We can see a clean and quite plane image of Beyoncé juxtaposed to a very dramatic and extravagant image of Sasha Fierce. This is shown through the use of make-up and clothing as Beyoncé can be seen with very minimal of both and Sasha Fierce, on the other hand, can be seen with lots of expensive clothing on and very 'fierce' make-up. On the left-hand side, the picture of Beyoncé can be seen where she looks as though she has a Jesus necklace around her right wrist. This could connote what type of person she is, a religious and very respectful person which could also reflect on what type of target audience she is going for. This again shows how her target audience is very vast and she targets her music and artistry at many different types of people. However, on the left-hand side, the picture of Sasha Fierce shows an absence of the Jesus Necklace. This connotes that she could be a reckless type of person and shows that she is more of just a performer and is focused on the delivery of the show. There could also be an alternative interpretation of the two images and could also represent how Beyoncé is in real life and what she acts like in the public eye (or what the public perceives her as when she is performing). The left side could show her in her natural state and the right side could show her in her performance act. The Imagery used could also attract both males and females as they could like the way she looks and presents herself as an artist but could also like the way she looks because she is a very beautiful woman. The use of the image on the left side could attract young men as this is a stereotypical presentation of a female artist in the pop industry as she is wearing very minimal clothing.

Impact on Audience-
Her audience could all be impacted by this advert it many different ways. This could widen her audience as different people from all over the globe could be interested and intrigued by her which would mean that her target audience would increase. Another way her audience can be impacted by this advert is by understanding how Beyoncé deals with the fame and the pressure of being perfect in the limelight. This could also widen their understanding of what process she goes through the pluck up the courage to perform to millions and millions of people, whether that be live or pre-recorded.


Fonts used-
Throughout the advert, the fonts they have chosen seem to be very plain, just like Beyoncé's. This may be hinting at her target audience and her aim to widen her audience to seem attractive to a plethora of people and demographics. However, this may have also been done to avoid the attention of the audience to be lost in the text rather than the imagery. The font she has chosen to go for is a bright ice white font which stands out and is able to catch the audience's attention. This is able to catch their attention but not take away the importance of the imagery. The font that has been used seems to be a plain big lettering so the name of the artist can be easily established, this is then followed by the name of the album.  

Colour and Imagery-
Just like Beyoncé's advertisement for her "I AM...SASHA FIERCE" album there is very minimal colouring throughout. I believe this is again, to attract a more mature audience as well as a younger audience. The use of the dark imagery and the ice white text means that the focus is automatically drawn to the text and the information being shared on the advert. The images used show how diverse Lady Gaga is, showing her in a big bleach blonde wig with what looks to be a large black high gloss coat cover the lower part of her face. This just leaves her eyes exposed and don't show a lot of the artist, however, in the middle section the artist's face can be seen more clearly but she can be seen sporting a whole different look compared to the first image. This shows her audience that she is very versatile with her music and her look. At the very bottom of the advert shows what the artist's digipak looks like. This shows the common theme of the absence of colour, to the identical ice white font used. This gives her audience a look at what the album looks like in order for them to purchase it, promoting the sales of her album and making sure they know what it looks like. The other type of imagery used if the emphasis on the 'T' of the word  'MONSTER'. This looks as if they have used the Jesus cross on the 'T', this is the same cross that Jesus died on. This is ironic as this is supposed to be part of a religious following and should help people feel importance and sense of worshiping something or somebody. However, the Christianity cross is used in the word 'Monster'. This could be seen as a type of disrespect toward the religion from the artist. This connotes that she may be a controversial artist and could provoke conversations about certain subjects. However, This could also be interpreted in a very different way. This could be describing the price of fame and the dark side of fame no one hears about. Famous people are often caught in the middle of controversial arguments about the devil and satanic worship. Successful artists in the industry are often accused of being connected to Illuminati which is a confidential satanic organization who claim to be able to make someone insanely famous and successful with the help of the organization. This could be hinting at that and how the public accuses her of being a part of this group because she is a successful artist and was deemed 'The Defining Pop Star of 2009". This links to one her most successful track 'Fame' Which could be further evidence for this theory.

The Image at the top of the advert shows the artist with a big black coat over her bottom part of her face, covering her mouth. This could represent how the being famous means that your opinions and what you want to say are restricted. However, the picture below this shows Gaga sporting a very different look showing her face completely uncovered and clear of things covering it. This could represent how she has spilled her opinions and said what she has wanted to say through her music. Through the juxtaposition of images, this could again suggest how she is in her real life and how the public perceives her in her act as Lady Gaga. In many ways, this connects and links to Beyoncé's advertisement as they seem to have common features that sport the same meaning.    

Impact on Audience-
The benefit of the 'plain' and simple colouring means that the advert will attract no just one type of person or one gender. This unisex vibe allows her to widen her audience as on gender isn't represented more than the other. This is similar to Beyoncé's 'I AM' album. By both of them being extremely successful pop stars it meaning that they would go for the same type of target audience and would have similar goals in regards to widening their audience in order to attract people of different ethnicities, ages e.c.t. The difference between them both is that Beyoncé can be seen wearing next to nothing in her magazine advert and Lady Gaga cannot be seen sporting minimal clothing.


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